This is the most interesting solution to climate change according to me. 

Remember that I have worked a couple of months only with climate related question so feel free to correct me in my conclusions.

However, before you do, check out this guy who agrees with me: 

Or this guy:

So, our world is built on financial growth and quarterly earnings. The first one has never needed to take any responsibility for the trash left behind while using earths resources and destroying the environment. The second is to blame for our inability to do something about the issues even though we are aware of them and know what to do!

The political standstill that we always see in regards to negotiations in climate related questions is of course fueled by old fashion corruption, urge for power and money, but let us come back to that later. 

What is more interesting is to focus on the solution. Because while all negotiations are focused on winning over your opponent, getting a better deal or achieving more power or earnings, we could use that to our advantage. 

Human kind has an enormous drive and the ability to achieve and improve innovations are truly grand when allowed to thrive. 

The drive has historically most often been connected to financial greatness, the abitity to make money. Just look at the vast amount of oligopols spread over the world, where we for example live in a world who claims free and open competition and then see imposed limitations in these from governments, local or state. The car reseller industry in US is a perfect example of a setup that creates huge profits for few and make it very difficult for newcomers to enter the market. Hopefully we are seeing an end to that specific example with Tesla now, but let us see about that. 

So how can we use this ingenuity and brilliant money making minds to achieve something good for the world instead of themselves. 

Well you cant do it by asking nicely, that is for sure. 

What needs to happen is something that is “competition neutral”. That is where carbon pricing or carbon tax comes in. If you make it more expensive for everyone to emit CO2 in to our biosphere, the prices will rise for everyone at the same time. 

When that has happened, when you have an ugly cost connected to your business,  what is the first thing that all brilliant minds will try to do then? Well, they will try to minimize that impact of course, becuase now it is no small matter anymore, it is not “only the climate”, now it is about making money.

Here I will dig into carbon pricing and share with you how different companies are saying that they are handling it and also if I can find news about countries implementing it.